Friday, November 06, 2015

5776 - In the Year of Hakhel

At the end of chapter 23, the Ba’al HaTanya in Igeret Hakodesh quotes Yirmiyah (33:16) and writes,

ובימינו - תושע יהודה וירושלם תשכון לבטח

This possuk refers to the Era of Ultimate Redemption by Moshiach soon to transform the world’s revelatory powers so God will be visibly evident to all.

This verse is interesting on two points, besides the Rebbe's imparted prayer that this phenomenon should happen now, in our days.

Firstly, the word “תושע” is the acronym of this 6th millennium’s Jewish year, 776. Also, the word “תשכון” has the same gematria as the former word. It’s as if “יהודה וירושלם” cozily nestle between these two words - which strongly suggests 5776 as the implicated year.

(As told to me by Chabad chassid, Reb Arye Prager.)

Just want to remind you what the Rebbe said in 1980 (here):
ובמוצאי שביעית בא משיח


yo its me rick said...

do you mean 5776

in the vanguard said...

thanks, will correct it

Batya said...

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Yehuda said...

A religion is a systematic set of beliefs, rituals and codifications of behaviour that revolves around a particular group's worldview (views about the world at large and humanity's place in the world). Typically, these beliefs center around some aspect of the supernatural (also often referred to as "divine") which is most often expressed as some form of deity, ie., gods and goddesses.

To the extent that the system of beliefs and rules are codified, they are called dogma; religions vary in how much dogma they include and how strictly they define it and enforce it. Religious mythology are the stories that develop, largely from oral tradition, to explain and describe the worldview of the religion. Religious beliefs tend to arise from humanity's attempts to explain their world, and where possible, to control it.

in the vanguard said...

Yehuda, actually there are "religions" as you define them, indeed, many of them. But really only two FORMS OF BEHAVIOR & THOUGHT should and will exist, neither of which is a "religion", although they require certain codified behavior. That's because this is God's world and He teaches us in Torah the rules for behavior, depending on whether you are Jewish or Gentile. That's all there really will be, certain behaviors that apply for Jews and certain that apply only to Gentiles. The consequences of transgressing these also differ accordingly. There is the way a Jew ought to and will abide by and similarly for the non-Jew.

Where you err is by not accounting for the event that took place at Mount Sinai 3,328 years ago (in the Jewish year 2448), when God gave the Jews the Torah.

Judaism is NOT a man-made, artificial "religion", as you correctly define it. It is a code of behavior expectant of those who sojourn in this world.

If you really care to understand, I write about it here:

But you probably also believe in "evolution", maybe even in "global warming" too, in which case I doubt you'll want to pursue this subject further.

We all have beliefs, even the atheist believes in something, as in "believing there is no G-d". You too have beliefs. Each to his own. But the Jewish people as a whole believe in the One God, and the millennia of prodigious publications of millions of books that orthodox Jewish authors have written may well all be dumped into the garbage if even one scintilla of evidence proved that anything in Torah was wrong. All of Jewish literature, all of it, is like an inverted pyramid, standing on its tip. If the tip, the belief in God and His Torah, ever failed any one of us, we'd knock the whole thing over, kiss it goodbye, and happily walk on to something else.
