Sunday, August 28, 2011

Emanuel Moreno - A Hero's Assassination Covered Up?

In late October, or, more likely, in the first week of November, 2006, a man was introduced to a crowd of thousands who gathered in "770" (a synagogue in Brooklyn that serves as "headquarters" for the world-wide Lubavitch chassidic movement) for some Chabad-related occasion. The speaker didn't look Chabad-like, but that is not uncommon. I don't recollect the occasion's raison d'etre. In any event, his speech was spell-binding. When I happened upon Arutz 7's story last week of the passing of Emanuel Moreno, telling of the 5th yahrzeit of a "secret IDF officer" whose story is shrouded in "national security", I immediately made the association. The speaker never mentioned Emanuel by name. It's only I who suddenly made this connection, because the "secrecy" imprint raised my suspicions, and for another reason that I'll tell later. The speaker, apparently in the upper echelon of political and/or military Israeli circles, or a man seemingly in the know, spoke of abuses executed by the political/military Israeli establishment. One particular evildoing he detailed for us. The details differ significantly from Caroline Glick's story of this hero's passing.

Here's how I remember it 5 and 1/2 years later.

Emanuel was climbing up in the ranks of his political party and was somewhat religiously oriented. His success threatened the higher-ups, afraid he was going to rise even higher and thwart their own political ambitions. So they wanted to "take care of him". They plotted this ploy. He was known to be a military dare-devil and the scheme they painted for him made him out to be the perfect man for the daring mission. They told him - towards the end of the Lebanon war, they needed him to capture officers of Hezbullah and bring them back, in order to make the Israeli army's performance during this war appear more creditable. He was told that many Hezbollah officers were to be found in some hotel in some city in the Northeast of Lebanon. Now, as I read about the passing of Emanuel, and map-googled Baalbek, this city "fits" the picture. This is the other reason that reinforces my hunch of intrigue.

He got to the mission's target city and found that the hotel had, in fact, no ranking officers of Hezbollah therein. One thing was sure, however, there were extremely many Hezbullah operatives in the vicinity. He radioed to make his report and to ask for some aerial assistance to escape. Nobody answered his calls. In desperation, because Hezbullah fighters were buzzing about everywhere, and his group now found out, he realized he had no choice but to rely on his own limited resources.

The reason the plotters targeted this city, said the speaker, was for its location. It was close to the Syrian border, far from the Lebanese coast, making naval escape impractical, and far from the Israeli border. Emanuel was literally surrounded by hostile elements and isolated from his army when no one answered his desperate calls.

The helicopters that brought him to this location were two transport helicopters. They remained the only means by which to make the return trip. He called the pilots and they informed him they will need to abandon their site very soon, giving Emanuel very little time.

Emanuel told his soldiers his final strategy for escape. He told them they will all pack into their two jeeps. Both jeeps will then race full-speed to the rendezvous site to make it in time before the helicopters leave. He told them that chances may well be the first jeep will make it through safely but the second one will absorb many bullets. He got into (or ?drove) the second jeep.

They made it to the helicopters, just as he predicted; The first jeep got through relatively unscathed, but his trailing jeep took many hits. The way I remember it, the speaker said Emanuel died of his wounds during the flight back on the helicopter.

The conspirators' plan for Emanuel's elimination had worked.

The details I recall here and the alleged connection to Lt. Col. Emanuel Moreno are open for investigation. It may shed light on this hero's real story, which isn't consonant with the media's innocuous, scant take of it. Maybe with more dots to connect, a different picture will emerge. Criminality is certainly plausible, given the troublesome facts surrounding people such as Uzi Meshulam, Jonathan Pollard, Yitschak Rabin and Baruch Goldstein, to name a few.


Leah said...

not to be funny,yet perhaps yu may wish to contact Rabbi Glazerson for a torah code connection or if you or someone you know can do that type of research...just a suggestion. In other words, both a torah connection -which is holy and a short cut at the same time....

in the vanguard said...

Leah, what we need is the era equivalent to the Urim veTumim times.

Josephus said...

Do you remember the speaker's name at all?

in the vanguard said...


Unknown said...

it look like his father:

in the vanguard said...

Jewish Song - thank you for that. You should all know, however, the picture I display here is merely one I supposed was him, an image I picked from google (and cropped). The one who spoke in 770, unfortunately, I have no picture of, and, worse, several to whom I spoke to, albeit years later, do not even remember the speaker - to my amazement because, as I said, he spoke of devastating news.

Anonymous said...

Do people actually buy the nonsense published here?... The (very few) facts that we do know about the Moreno case completely contrast the pile of bull**** advertized here.

Anonymous said...

A few points (there are more, but I'll be brief):

* Emmanuel Moreno did not belong to any political party.
* He was not "somewhat religiously oriented", but religious.
* No Israeli politicians (other than the prime minister and, partly, the minister of defense) can make the IDF decide on operations, let alone the selection of which persons to execute the said operations.
* How could one jeep pass safely while the other one got all the hits? And how could it be possible to make sure that one specific soldier will get killed on the mission? All other ones returned safely.

In short: this whole post is one big joke. And not a funny one, either.

in the vanguard said...

Show facts to back what you claim. I am not advertising anything. I just passed on what thousands of people heard gathered in 770.

Anonymous said...

This story is consistent with a different story Reb Lazer Brody tells about his last mission in Lebanon before he did tshuva. His mission, to take out SAM missiles in the courtyard of the Russian Embassy in Beirut, was a suicide mission. Politicians (defense minister) wanted the mission to fail. Then they would argue it was necessary to send in another 10 thousand troops, which the prime minister (Begin) did not want to do. The mission succeeded after Reb Lazer, in the middle of the mission promised Hashem if he would get out of this alive ... would do tshuva. Right then his unit was saved by air strikes extricating his unit, and tanks or APC's picking up the wounded, etc. Afterwards he wanted to thank the air force pilots - and was told the Chief of Staff had forbidden any air support at that time. Similarly, the vehicles that picked up his wounded were untraceable. His conclusion: Hashem sent angels in the form IAF planes, and vehicles, to save him and his unit. Epilogue: after such huge miracles, the members of his unit who survived the mission were expected by Hashem to do something in return .... those who did not do tshuva did not have arichas yomim v'shonim. This was all on a video that was on his website many years ago ... don't know if it is still accessible.
