"Hezbullah" and its ilk worldwide scheme to vaporize Israel. Enmity, or even apathy, of God's distinguished nation draws retribution, as it says, "Those who curse you, I will curse" (Num. 24, 9); and "I will rise to anger against apathetic nations" (Zach. 1, 15). Deal unkindly with the Israelite and, next thing you know, Hezbos will show up -- IN YOUR OWN BACKYARD!
This blog focuses on the Era of the Ultimate Redemption.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
A Telling Item Goes Missing
Got this email from a friend. See how every president - but this usurper of the White House - has an American flag in the background. This is a deliberate omission. The silence of the mainstream media regarding this snub at America the great - is deafening.
Are all these pictures taken in the same room?
No idea.
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