Yes, were you to follow the standards of Nature, you might want to wallow in reasons for fear. For example, you might worry that Enemy X is destabilizing Jordan to the East of Israel, or that Enemy Y can menace from the North or that Enemy Z is tunneling from the South. But Nature too, is a divine facade meant to conceal the obvious. In fact, not only is the worrying needless, says the Rebbe, worse yet, it provides extra energy to the impure forces, in effect slowing the enemy’s quick demise, much like adding fuel to an enemy vehicle low on gas (Feeding Klipah at Sanctity's Expense).
Scanning the political\social panorama, it looks like it’s coming down to a matter of Jewish versus Muslim. Jewish versus Muslim serves to contrast between good and truth versus lies and bloodthirsty culture. Both cannot coexist. The Jewish nation, now that it’s long exile is coming to a close, waxes in glory while Muslim forces for the world to see wane into disrepute.
The verb that well depicts this final phase of Jewish exile, with the Era of Redemption’s full blown glory around the corner, is “to be pitted against”. For evil to be vanquished among people, it first must be highlighted, to delineate itself clearly from its foe, the good. And what constitutes good, and bad, for that matter? Truth of Torah, God and the Jewish family will be pitted in sharp contrast to the Muslim creed and tradition, or to any other identity that abhors Judaism.
Will such cognizance spread across the whole world? After all, Moshiach will reach out to every Jew no matter where he\she is. Will therefore the whole world’s populace have their radars tuned to this one particular issue, of all that’s out there?
If Redemption is in the wings, then that’s exactly what must happen, no? How then will the whole world be drawn in to one focal point of contention? Mankind will have to choose sides; Would everyone know what two sides are pit against each other?
You see it happening right under our noses right now. The world is at war with evil, which translates from the confrontation between Klipah and Sanctity, in its final duel. The Rebbe is taking and leading the charge, by himself! (The Wars of Hashem)
We recognize this general’s silent orchestration of local and world events because he leaves footprints on his trail. One such footprint we found earlier (The Hidden Hand of the Rebbe).

A 3rd footprint we noted is that Trump’s daughter and son-in-law bought a home next to a Chabad shul in Washington DC (Arutz7).
Trump is not just a locally popular name being bandied about; He’s being telecast worldwide! The whole world will soon know everything Trump says or does. The whole world must know this because all of mankind will be involved. The internet sprung up for this very reason, no doubt.
Perhaps Trump and Putin will forge a victorious flank that will subdue the evil counterforce that Muslims now represent, with all the terror they are fomenting. The actual logistics we can only guess, the alliances of pro or anti, who will topple who, etc. We could do well not to speculate, because the more Torah light we shed and the more Mitzvos we do, the calmer will be the final waves of exile.