Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Zebra and the Horse

Chapter 32 in "The Code of Jewish Law" ("קצור שלחן ערוך") formulates Torah's directives regarding illness. It pinpoints the main cause for disease:
רוב החלאים הבאים על האדם, אינם אלא או מפני מאכלים רעים, או מפני, שהוא ממלא בטנו ואוכל אכילה גסה, אפילו ממאכלים טובים

"Most illnesses visited upon man is for no reason other than from bad foods; Or, because one fills his gut beyond moderation even with good foods."
(In Halachah 3)

Note this assertion's incisive, unequivocal and emphatic tenor -
"is for no reason other than"!

Similarly, Maimonides states categorically, "Most illnesses originate from what man ingests." (Mada 4:15).

(Maimonides was a doctor of sultans and princes. Even gentiles know of him; In Archives of Internal Medicine (Sep. 1999), it says, "Fittingly, the great physician and father of modern medicine Sir William Osler wrote that Maimonides was 'not only the Physician of Princes but also the Prince of Physicians.'")

Although the above law does not explain the word "most", we can reasonably assume at least 95% of illnesses have as their primary cause for culpability the above canon, otherwise the term would have been qualified.

"Ingestion" of course includes prescribed drugs, drinking fluoridated water, skin absorption of cosmetics, or of chlorine during swimming, inhaling deodorant spray, laundry gases, engine exhaust, etc., or taking into your body anything unnatural. Although environmental toxins can debilitate under high exposure, most exposure remains less than traumatic, although it certainly augments toxicity. 

Nonetheless, according to Torah, the single most important cause of illness is improper food intake. Either what is ingested is bad food ("toxic"), or, what's worse, believe it or not, eating good food beyond moderation. However, because our present culture is so far removed from the soil and fresh organic produce, the most common cause for illness has probably become - eating bad food beyond moderation.

This means people knowingly or, more likely, unknowingly, have themselves to blame for diseases they acquire! Similarly, knowingly or unknowingly, grown-ups are to blame for a child's onset of disease.

One might argue, how can that be; We hear about diseases of the liver, of the eyes, of the nerves, of blood sugar, blood pressure, the digestive tract, the joints, migraines, asthma, cancer, etc., so how can the simple, unitary act of food ingestion give rise to such a wide variety of sicknesses? This question, however, does not negate the truth of the aforementioned singular, main cause of illness. It is a good question and there is a good answer, but the question does not change the fact, which lays the blame for disease squarely on the individual himself - for eating improperly.

(But to answer the question briefly: The body's "weakest link" in the body's myriad networks of physiological functionalities breaks first. It's a locus where acidity has its primary deleterious consequences.)

In Western culture, when a person becomes sick, his first thought usually is - "Which doctor or hospital do I go to?" Given that contemporary society regards medicine diametrically opposed to Torah view, one where pill-taking is the norm rather than an exception, it's a shame. Only in case of emergency is that approach understandable. But for an illness that crept up, or for one that's long chronic, the very best way to think should be - not what doctor do I go to, but rather - How do I change my diet? Such thinking and subsequent corrective dietary action are what conform to Torah's prescription for how to deal with at least 95% of illnesses.

You would think doctors themselves know the main cause of disease. Unfortunately most do not. For the last century or so, becoming a doctor meant following educational guidelines fixed by the pharmaceutical industry. Since then, this industry aggressively affiliated itself with many more industries that fell in line with it, or were bought out. Today, therefore, everything from medical education's curriculum, admission requirements, provision of licenses, the number of practice slots available, administration of graduate tests, medical publishing, insurance claims, research funding, laws against alternative persuasions, pesticide regulation, artificial fertilization, hormonal supplements, genetic seed modification, cancer charities, etc. brainwash and enforce today's medical perspective and "knowledge". Which is why today's medical approach evolved into attacking symptoms rather than their root cause - in order to push patentable drugs and advance invasive treatment. For example, a woman would be denied insurance for osteoporosis, unless - and only if - she got it from radiation treatments!

That the body can take care of itself given an adequate supply of nutrients, while eliminating toxicity, makes no sense to today's medical practitioners. There's no money to be made going this natural way. What's worse, they also try to destroy practitioners lives who dare cure via alternative methods or with unpatentable herbs and diets.

There seems no way out of this anti-Torah attitude because "Big-Pharma" controls governmental regulation; Bribed overseers of medical practice sit in key governmental seats. The medical mafia is now huge, well-entrenched and outright ruthless. Any deviation from their declared policies invites harsh retribution.

Remember back to the time you last visited a doctor's office. Did he ever ask you what foods you eat? (At least some do ask about exercise, another important Maimonidic principle of health). In fact, when the doctor prescribes a pill, he knows full well you'll be eating the same things you've been eating up until now. In his mind, there's no connection between food intake and disease. Walking out of a doctor's office without a prescription in hand is today practically unheard of. 

Doctors know very little about nutrition and diet; These topics are not taught in medical school. They were taught to follow blindly. For example, that fluoride in the water is "good for the teeth", that vaccinations help boost the response against future microbial attacks, or that you need prescribed pills, they accept with no good science behind these claims. Doctors are indoctrinated the moment they get into medical school. 

Even shopping for organic food has become a problem. Over 90% of the supermarket foods are canned, jarred, frozen, pickled, colored, preserved, flavored, heated, processed, cleansed, filled with additives, etc. Good foods are hard to come by.

Back in the days of Dr. Semmelweis, they mocked him (until he became insane) when he urged the washing of hands between patients. And until today they continue to mock, legislate to death, or actually poison practitioners who fight disease in an "unorthodox" manner. This list of abused practitioners is very long indeed and even contains Nobel Prize laureates and prominent caregivers.

The public still gets to hear advertisements from Big-Pharma, like the importance of taking vaccines. It is almost impossible to avoid their barrage of disinformation, on radio, TV, print media, billboards, etc. Society is being brain-washed by this propaganda. And, if you hadn't yet noticed, they've gone after "diagnosing" and "treating" many of our youngsters too, effectively hooking these children on drugs for their lifetimes. We now even hear of new diseases kids have, like ADHD or the like. And were a youngster labeled as "psychotic", he is forever at the mercy of abusive psychiatry (talk about quackery).

The cruelty of medicine today is palpable. If a person comes down with cancer, the policy is to FRIGHTEN the victim into immediate action, because time, they say, is of the essence. The real reason for the medical push for early "treatment" is because the sooner the patient can be labelled and started on "treatment", the better his chances of lasting 5 years in life. Modern medicine has managed to legislate into definition a new value for "cure". A patient who lasts 5 years from diagnosis is considered "cured". Truth is, taking no cancer treatment in 98% of cases yields better results than taking them.

The only 3 legal ways to treat cancer in America today are by chemotherapy (poisoning), radiation (burning) and surgery (mutilation). They've been at it now for nearly 100 years.

Another reason to frighten the patient into quick action is to prevent the patient from seeking alternative forms of therapy. 

People should realize the body has enormous resourcefulness to correct illness given a correct diet and detoxification. Just as sure as a skin bruise, or broken bone, can heal with correct management, so too can cancer or most any other chronic degenerative disease. There are many great people who came up with brilliant strategies and simple means to CURE degenerative diseases who have been wiped clean from historical journals, let alone practice, because of the medical mafia.

Spiritual Abortion of Jews

As if we haven't enough trouble from fellow Jews who want to give away parts of Israel to our worst enemies, which only exacerbates Israel's integrity and security, we also have gentiles or "Messianic 'Jews'" who tear at our flesh with their hatred of Torah and God by imbuing naive and innocent Jews with the hollowness of christianity. As Rashi says (Num. 13:27), to make their lies palatable or believable, they need to throw in some truth at first. So they dress themselves in Jewish costume and accoutrements, but the aim is to sway the Jew to believe the nonsense concerning Yoshke (Jesus יש''ו) and to dissuade Jewry from accepting their authentic Jewish tradition. These are well-oiled, well-heeled organizations. And the closer we get to Moshiach's revelation, the more satanic their drive to abort the Jewish soul.

Here's a website I bumped into. They operate in Israel. The pictures speak for themselves.

They have no shame to desecrate the holy Torah. Because that's exactly what they want to do. Note the bald head; The styled beard; The (?Shabbat) microphones (where the band plays - like in a church event); The verse inscribed on the bimah; The colorful talleissim; And note that nobody stands next to the Torah from either side of it!

(I wonder how they make their Torah purchases. They're probably unkosher Torah scrolls anyway.)

Here's their "rabbi", a pox on him! Notice he blows the shofar on Rosh Hashanah, as the microphone dangles on his shoulder.

By closing his eyes he conveys his blessings, in tallis, of course. In that congregation, Jew, Arab, foreigner are treated equally, you would think; It makes no difference, you'd think. But if no Jews were to visit that organization, I guarantee you it would close down on its own and the hell with the Arabs and foreigners they love so much. Why else sponsor this "congregation" in Israel? Only to nab unsuspecting Jewish souls. Jewish souls are secretly the prize possessions of the lot.

Here the "rabbi" and the terrorists fawn over each other. Read the words - "only one roadmap to peace" - by the Israelis giving up even more of his Jewish rights - to Arabs. This kissing and washing of feet smacks of disgusting paganism.

What better way than to entrap the youngsters first, with "love".

As they grow older, the love for spurious Judaism morphs into a social club. The better to laugh away sanctity.

Eventually the innocent Jewish victims become informed their false messiah, with the patent name "Yeshua", happens to have an English name - Jesus.

Had I navigated to look at more of this site, I'd have vomited.

The Rebbe often said a spiritual downfall of the Jew is worse than a physical one. I can only guess at why: Whereas both lead to the extinction of Jewish seed, the spiritual approach is insidious and contagious and can infect many more lives during the process. It can infect by direct influence and indirect influence as well, as when observed by a naive or innocent child or friend who knows no better. The physical way is more gruesome, but less effective than the stealthy one.

The following is presented to show that the above spiritual, Maoz "rabbi-abortionist", who is anything but a Jew, is just as cruel as his physical, Chinese counterparts, only more sly.

China, a horrible communist country, with its many slave labor camps, its many state-of-the-art forced-organ-resection hospitals, which are strategically located on the premises of their subsurface prisons, the better to forcibly harvest organs for immediate sale to foreign "visitors" ($50,000 a pop), also enforces the one-baby-only edict with ruthless terror. Here's one such story:

14 June 2012: It was while her husband was at work when Feng Jianmei, a resident of Shanxi, China was forcibly removed from her home by a group of “Family Planning Police” who barged into their apartment. She was seven months pregnant. Her crime: violating the one-child rule. They took her by car to the "hospital" where they pierced the fetus' head with a stylus and injected the fetus with something, or both. No family member was allowed to accompany her.

She and her husband were given the choice of paying 40,000 yuan – the equivalent of about 3 years wages – or submitting to an abortion. Not having the money, Feng Jiammei was forced to have an abortion. They brought her back two days later, after she aborted. As if this was insufficient for the Family Planning Police, the aborted child was placed next to the distraught mother as shown at the following links (WARNING: VERY DISTURBING & GRAPHIC IMAGES – click here and here to view). UPDATE (27 June): Husband missing. (link)

Monday, June 25, 2012

What Christians Should Know

Because gentiles may happen upon my site, here's an article written by Bryan Ellison (LINK). (He has two intriguing sites: and
Who Was Jesus?

The Bible gave a warning about a dangerous, false prophet who would arise to test our faith in G-d. In Deuteronomy 13, G-d describes this false prophet as a member of the Jewish people (v. 2, 7) who would tell true prophecies and would have the power of miracles. G-d Himself would give this false prophet the power to perform miracles and reveal prophecy, but the false prophet would try to seduce the people away from G-d's Law and towards strange gods unknown to Judaism. The purpose would be to test whether we are truly committed to living under the Law, or whether we will be dazzled and fall for the temptation to join a false path to salvation (v. 3-6, 7-8, 11). In this Biblical passage, G-d repeatedly commands the Jews to kill this false prophet, lest the evil spread and destroy many souls.

To be accepted by the people, the false prophet would sometimes pretend to be a righteous Jew who fulfills the Law, but at key moments he would turn against certain details of the Law in order to make the breach (v. 6, 7). This is the reason that verse 1 commands us not to add or subtract any details from the Law, and verse 5 warns us to remain steadfast with all the traditions of the Law.

In Deuteronomy 17, this false prophet is also described as someone who would rebel against the authority of the judges of the Jewish people, and who should be put to death for his rebelliousness (v. 8-13, esp. v. 12). Who are the judges? The highest court in Israel was the Sanhedrin, which was established by Moses (Exodus 18:13-26; Numbers 11:16-29), and which lasted more than 15 centuries. The members of the Sanhedrin were the rabbis known as "Pharisees" (Pirushim, "those with the explanation"). G-d gave permanent authority to these judges to interpret the Law and G-d's Word, and it is a commandment to follow their decisions without turning even slightly to the right or the left (Deut. 17:11). But the false prophet would challenge the authority of the Sanhedrin, thus revealing himself to be an evil man.

In the book of the prophet Daniel, this false prophet is described as a king (the eleventh horn on a terrible beast) who would wage war against the Jews (the "holy ones"; see Deut. 14:2 on this term) and would change the Law including the calendar and the holidays (Daniel 7:8, 20-25). Elsewhere, this false prophet is described as a king who would disregard the G-d of his fathers, exalting himself as a god and giving honor to this new god-head (Daniel 11:36-39).

The man known today as "Jesus" fulfilled all these prophecies. He became a "king" (over the Christian church) who changed the original Law, doing away with the Hebrew calendar and the Biblical holidays (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkos the Festival of Tabernacles, Passover, etc.). He disregarded the one, infinite G-d of the Hebrew Bible in favor of a new "trinity" that included himself. And he repeatedly broke the Law by committing terrible sins, while openly challenging the G-d-given authority of the rabbis of the Sanhedrin.

Naturally, Jesus did sometimes pretend to respect the Law, but whenever he thought he could get away with it, he turned right around and broke that same Law. In Matthew 5:17-19, he declared that he came to fulfill the Law, and in Matthew 23:1-3 he defended the authority of the rabbis. But the rest of the time, he rebelled against the Law—thus showing that his occasional words of piety were meant only to hide his evil agenda. The following sins of Jesus are recorded in the "New Testament":

1. Jesus repudiated the laws of kosher food (Mark 7:18-19). [Compare this to the prophet Daniel's strict adherence to kashrus, in Daniel chapter 1.]
2. He repudiated the laws of honoring one's parents, and called on his followers to hate their parents; he also dishonored his own mother (Matthew 10:34-36; Matthew 12:46-50; Luke 14:26).
3. He violated the Sabbath by picking grain, and incited his disciples to do the same (Matthew 12:1-8; Mark 2:23-26).
4. He again violated the Sabbath by healing a man's arm, which was not a matter of saving a life, and he openly defied the rabbis in his total repudiation of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:9-13; Mark 3:1-5). [Compare this to G-d's view of violating the Sabbath, in Numbers 15:32-36, Nehemiah 10:30-32, and dozens of other places throughout the Bible.]
5. Jesus brazenly defied and disobeyed the rabbis of the Sanhedrin, repudiating their authority (This is recorded in many places throughout the New Testament, but look especially at Matthew 23:13-39 and John 8:44-45).

The Talmud (Babylonian edition) records other sins of "Jesus the Nazarene":

1. He and his disciples practiced sorcery and black magic, led Jews astray into idolatry, and were sponsored by foreign, gentile powers for the purpose of subverting Jewish worship (Sanhedrin 43a).
2. He was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone (a brick is mentioned), was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent (Sanhedrin 107b; Sotah 47a).
3. He learned witchcraft in Egypt and, to perform miracles, used procedures that involved cutting his flesh—which is also explicitly banned in the Bible (Shabbos 104b).

The false, rebellious message of Jesus has been thoroughly rejected by the vast majority of the Jewish people, as G-d commanded. Unfortunately, however, this same message has brought a terrible darkness upon the world; today, over 1.5 billion gentiles believe in Jesus. These lost souls mistakenly think they have found salvation in Jesus; tragically, they are in for a rude awakening. Truth and eternal life are found directly from G-d, through performing His Law. Any "mediator" only separates man from G-d:

1. "G-d is not a man, who can lie, nor the son of man, who relents... He has not beheld iniquity in Jacob, nor has He seen perverseness in Israel" (Numbers 23:19).
2. Speaking prophetically of the Christian church, Moses declared, "For their 'rock' is not like our Rock... Where is their god, in whom they trusted?" (Deut. 32:31, 37).
3. "'See now that I, only I, am He, and there is no god with Me. I kill, and I bring to life; I wound, and I heal, and there is none who can rescue from My Hand...' Sing songs of joy, gentiles, with His people, for He will avenge the blood of His servants, and will take vengeance on His enemies, and will forgive His land and His people" (Deut. 32:39, 43).
4. "I, only I am Hashem (the L-rd), and besides Me there is no savior" (Isaiah 43:11).
5. "I am the First and I am the Last; besides me there is no god... Is there a god besides Me? There is no rock; I do not know any" (Isaiah 44:6).
6. "Israel is saved in Hashem with an eternal salvation... Assemble yourselves and come, come near together, you gentiles who have escaped [the judgment]. (They have no knowledge, those who carry wooden sculptures and who pray to a god that does not save.) Announce and bring near, even take counsel together: Who declared this from ancient times, and announced it from then? Is it not I, Hashem? And there are no other gods beside Me, nor any righteous and saving god other than Me. Turn to Me and be saved, all ends of the earth, for I am G-d and there is none else. By Myself I swore, a righteous word went out of my mouth and it will not be withdrawn, that to Me every knee will bow and every tongue will swear" (Isaiah 45:17, 20-23).

What is the true key to salvation? Those who return to the Law (the Seven Commandments for the Children of Noah, according to the eternal covenant made with Noah in Genesis 9) and who assist the Jewish people (Isaiah 60, 61, 66) will be saved and will participate in the miracles and revelations, including worshipping in the Third Temple, under the kingship of the Messiah. As described in many places, including Jeremiah 16:19-21 and Zechariah 8:20-23, all the old gentile religions of the world will disappear, and their followers will turn to the Jews for spiritual leadership. Until then, Christians are spiritually blinded, and cannot yet understand G-d's wisdom in the Bible.

Ours is the last generation of the era of sin and evil and the first of the Messianic Era. Indeed, for the first time in history, there is a growing consensus of leading rabbis willing to name the man most suited to be the Messiah, and they are agreeing that he is the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. The Rebbe is the spiritual leader of our generation, having boldly stirred up controversy over vital issues in which other leaders have remained tragically silent or have even caved in to the growing forces of darkness. He has upheld the Law perfectly and has worked mightily to strengthen the observance of the Law by Jews, as well as the observance of the Noachide Law by gentiles. Through his teaching of chasidus (Jewish mystical teachings, preserved from Moses and Mount Sinai), he has taught the world that G-d is One, the Infinite Who renews creation at every moment. The Rebbe is a direct descendant of King David and has received a true prophecy from G-d that we who are alive in this generation shall be the first in history to see the coming of the true messiah. Many Jews are eagerly anticipating the Rebbe's resurrection from the grave, ready to re-establish the Sanhedrin and anoint the king.

Our job is to finish preparing the way, by announcing the truth and bringing all of mankind back to the Law immediately. Through our divinely mandated efforts, we shall now clear the path for the return of the Garden of Eden and the establishment of the eternal sinless world promised by Isaiah and the other Biblical prophets.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Faith in Hashem and Moshiach

We stand beyond the threshold, having entered the Era of Redemption. We left behind the world of Exile as we knew it, the usual, run-of-the-mill world. The Rebbe informed us of this fact many times. Only, our expectations fail us, for we expect the utopia will shower down goodness upon us like rainfall, when in fact the world seems to churn on as it has in the past, with no feel for a better world at all tangible. In fact, a look at the horizon reveals nothing less than massive destruction from all aspects of life.

Terror and totalitarian cruelty loom across the continents, Iran arrives at the brink of nuclear technology, African nations suffer genocide, Russia and China advance in military might, Islam spreads its tentacles of horror, European and U.S. economies are as good as dead, freedom in Europe and the U.S. hangs on a thread ... and a World War threatens the world - for those who have eyes in their heads.

How then can we rectify the contradiction? On the one hand, we were promised utopia to anticipate, yet grief portends to come at us from every other angle.

We are the last generation of exile and the first generation of Redemption. We are about to watch the transformation of the world as it is thrown into an inferno, in order to refine away the evil from the good.

Unless we recognize what's happening, we will be caught in a vice. As long as we remain cognizant, we'll understand the significance of the squeeze. If we remain aloof in mind over threats that might terrorize our hearts - we will withstand the torment and even see how it configures well to our own benefit.

The world will undergo a bewildering upheaval, on the largest and widest scale it has ever yet experienced. But Jews and good people will be spectators as evil gets consumed by the fires of a World War wrought by God to vanquish evil once and for all. It also will serve to convince any Jew who hasn't yet discovered the paradise that awaits him in believing and trusting in God.

As if the physical mappings of disaster weren't enough, we also find ourselves enshrouded in spiritual darkness, in an era apparently bereft of a spiritual leader.

But just as the physical aspects of disaster will try our beliefs, the same holds true for our spiritual senses. We are being tested in our belief in Moshiach who will redeem the Jewish people, who will finalize the utopia now developing, which will blossom full bloom in short time. We are being squeezed spiritually because many Jews have yet to submit and yearn for Moshiach's second revelation. They are being tested as Daniel's says at the end of his book, " Happy are those who wait for him ..." (12:12) and as Rashi there explains, "for he will be revealed, then covered up, and then revealed again!"

The 3rd of Tammuz is the day Joshua stopped the sun. It would not set until many hours later.

The sun, aside from it being a physical body, also has its metaphorical counterpart. The Gemora explains (Yoma 28b), "that the sun does not set unless another sun has been created". In other words, the greatest luminary of the generation, the tzaddik, the righteous Jew upon whom the entire world rests ("צדיק יסוד עולם", ibid), in the sense that it cannot exist unless this personage exists, cannot be extinguished unless another such luminary is first born to replace him.

The significance of the 3rd of Tammuz in Jewish history that occurred during the first generation of Jews in the Land of Israel, shares the same with this last generation of exile and the first generation that enters into the Era of Redemption. The leader of this generation, the solitary major luminary of our generation, is the sun that never set - the Lubavitcher Rebbe, the present Rebbe of Chabad.

This 3rd of Tammuz marks the 18th year (!חי) we've been under trial of belief in the Rebbe's words. This week's portion of Torah is Korach. It says in Rashi there (Num. 17:13):
אין משה אומר כלום מלבו אלא מפי הגבורה
"Moses (of the generation) does not say anything of his own but that which he hears from God!"
Note this assertion's incisive, unequivocal and emphatic tenor - "does not say anything but"! Accordingly, we believe God spoke through the lips of the Rebbe and all that he said will happen will happen. May it be already now!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Day the Rebbe was Conceived

The Rebbe was born on 11 Nissan, 5662.

One Tisha B'Av in Israel, with nothing to do but study in an air-conditioned shul, I was reading the Midrash, Eicha Rabba:1. There it relates the story of a Jewish farmer plowing his field with a cow. The cow groaned and a passer-by Arab told the farmer to unharness the cow because the cow just "declared" that the Temple was destroyed (by the Romans), so a Jew's life was thus made worthless. A moment later the cow bellowed again. The Arab then cried out, "Jew, go back to work. Your cow just declared that your savior was born."

As a "Chabadnik" for some years by then and growing stronger, I wondered, naively perhaps, how could this story make sense. After all, if the Lubavitcher Rebbe was Moshiach, his date of birth did not match the date of Moshiach's birth, which was Tisha B'Av according to this Midrash.

Then with pen and paper I began to calculate the number of days from the 9th of Av until the 11th of Nissan. The year the Rebbe was born, 5662, was a Jewish leap year, meaning it had two months of Adar. My count of days came out to be 271.

My answer surprised me. That's how many days there are in a full-term, 9-month pregnancy. By the way, the Hebrew word for pregnancy is הריון, which has a gematria value of 271.

I was both amused and delighted that I got confirmation from the Midrash that the Rebbe is Moshiach, albeit the Midrash's account of his "birth" was, in fact, an account of the day of his conception.

There was a sticky point, however; The Hebrew verb for birth, ילד, is never used to mean conceive, as least not in conversational Hebrew. But, in fact, I do recall, over the years, although I forgot the sources, that this verb has been used to mean conceive, although rarely.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Case of the Missing Week

Imagine sitting at the same table opposite the holiest rabbi of the generation, close enough so you can see into his eyes and near enough to catch every sound he makes. Your attention is peaked to listen to everything he now has to say.

The time of year adds more lift to your adrenaline rush. It's the 2nd day of Shavuot, the holiday we celebrate to commemorate the fabulous gift God gave us - the holy Torah. God gave it to us, we His people, and the leader of the generation, the best representative of that holiness, is now about to deliver, at this opportune time, words of Torah. And you know it is as if God Himself speaks from the throat of this holy man.

This informal get-together took place 71 years ago, as the Previous Rebbe sat with chassidim, on the 7th of Sivan. He began by speaking of the habits of Jews, that they constitute Torah as well. Then he spoke of the custom to greet Shabbat early and escorting it out late, thereby extending the holy day beyond 24 hours.

Then he said this, "I don't mean to get into complicated reasoning; I just want to be frank and clear. The world's custom is, in preparation for a guest, that we begin to prepare long before the guest's arrival. Two weeks earlier we get the house in order, and we clean out all the corners. The entire household speaks about it, and they tell their neighbors too about the guest that's due to arrive."

After a slight pause he said, "For the time is now soon that Moshiach arrives, so we must prepare for the guest."

"We must wash and purify; We must wash and clean for the guest who's coming. We must clean ourselves, our household, where we eat, where we sleep, where we sit; We clean everywhere, everyone as best he can, rabbis, workers, businessmen, students, everyone according to his conditions." Then he spoke on other topics.

Upon reading this talk (Sefer Hasichot, 5701, p.129), which transpired on the 7th of Sivan, I was taken aback. It was on the 28th of Sivan that the present Rebbe set foot on American soil. But the Previous Rebbe had everyone believe this event was - two, not 3, weeks away! How could the Previous Rebbe, a man of divine insight ("ruach hakodesh") be off by one week?

I asked a rabbi friend, who found part of the answer in the book "Yemai Melech", vol. 1, pp. 535-6. There it describes the short interlude of history that occurred between the talk and the Rebbe's arrival. And the late Rabbi Tzvi Meir Steinmetz, ע‫''‬ה, a friend of Rabbi David Halberstam, who knew the Rebbe when he too was in Paris, told me what Rabbi Halberstam told him, which filled in more details of the story.

This happened in 1941, with World War II erupting. The Rebbe and Rebbetzin sailed from France to Portugal. From there they stole their way into Barcelona, Spain. Many sought urgently to get tickets to sail to America, which were hard to come by. The couple did as well, and succeeded. A short time before the embarkation day, the Rebbe received a telegram from his father-in-law, the Previous Rebbe, telling them not to take that ship. They heeded the Previous Rebbe's exhortation. The danger of sailing waxed, because German U-boats patrolled the seas, but, by the grace of God, the couple managed to find tickets for yet another ship that would set sail from Barcelona to America a week hence. The ship arrived safely to New York City.

Now we know the cause for the Rebbe's one-week delay in arriving. As for the ship they opted out from, it was captured by Mussolini, and its passengers remained in captivity until the Fascists surrendered years later at the end of the war.

(Rabbi Steinmetz, who retold the story, tells of his friend's amazement, not so much of the Previous Rebbe's ruach hakodesh, but of the unquestioning simplicity with which the Rebbe and Rebbetzin discarded the tickets in heeding the Previous Rebbe's words.)

(See this short video of that eventful day the Rebbe arrived to America, here.)

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Silent Spies of Joshua

Right after Friday night prayers with his chassidim on Nissan 28, 5751, the Rebbe turned around, faced the crowd from his platform and began to speak to the stunned congregation. Not only did the change of venue and the odd hour cause an uproar, but what he said that memorable evening far more bewildered his followers.

"I've done everything I can to bring Moshiach,"
he said. "I now hand over the task to you. Do everything you can to bring him!"

This unusual communique threw chassidim into a state of frenzy. "What did the Rebbe want us to do, especially if he himself could not bring about Moshiach's arrival?" they said. "What does he expect of us to do now?" many questioned.

Many groups formed, each hastily gathered in ad hoc meetings with friends or associates, to try, calmly and reasonably, decide on an effective course of action. "How did the Rebbe want us to pursue bringing Moshiach," was the main topic. Urgency filled the air. Some were at their wit's end. Everybody hankered to know what his friend thought. None really knew what the Rebbe suggested, but they knew for sure it was an outright call to take action.

Of several initiatives, one in particular bore fruit. A chassid by the name of Nachshon appeared to be its prime architect. Let a rabbinic court convene to formulate and endorse a decree that ratifies the Rebbe as King Moshiach! This was, in fact, soon done and many rabbis of Chabad from the U.S. and around the world signed the decree.

Four days after that talk, on Monday, 2 Iyar, Nachshon handed the rabbinic court's signed decree to the Rebbe. The Rebbe accepted the document with a big smile and said to Nachshon,
"!ישר כח‫!‬ ישר כח"
(translation: "Right on! You did fine!")

One month later, some rabbis suggested the need to read the rabbinic decree at the gravesites of the previous Rebbeim and of the Rebbe's father, in the Soviet Union, to request of these spiritual giants to effectuate the revelation required (i.e., that this decree serve as impetus to launch Moshiach and render the Redemption). They chose Nachshon and his friend Avi to undertake the mission.

The week this pair returned from their trip, the Rebbe spoke on Shabbos (portion of Shelach) of the two spies Joshua silently sent to spy in the Land of Israel (without the fanfare raised as with the spies sent by Moses), and how this mission in particular, as opposed to the spy mission discharged by Moses, succeeded and served its purpose. A casual reader of the long talk that Shabbos might think it was just another talk like many, with a subject chosen from the portion at random. By not knowing the events of the prior 8 weeks, particularly the past two weeks, he would have lost the added significance attributed to "the two silent spies".

[A more recent psak din can be downloaded here.]

A Rebbe Letter on Buying German Products

Date unknown
Greeting and Blessing;

I am in receipt of your letter in which you ask my opinion "as to whether it is a weakness or impropriety" to avoid the purchase of goods made in Germany. You add that you ask this question as a Jew, in light of Jewish law and custom.

Surely this is more a matter of feeling rather than a question of Jewish law and custom. Consequently, as in all matters of sentiment, it is difficult to express an opinion that would have universal application.

At any rate it certainly cannot be categorized as a "weakness". On the contrary, a decision of this kind bespeaks strength of will, all the more so since it entails some inconvenience.

Nor can it be considered an "impropriety", since it is based on a principle which may be considered to come under the category of "Remember what Amalek did unto you". For, as is well known, the inhuman atrocities, etc., against our defenseless and innocent brethren were not perpetrated by a small group, but were carried out with the knowledge, consent and even cooperation of the vast majority of the German nation. Moreover, I do not think than anyone seriously believes that the Germany of today is entirely different from the Germany of two decades ago.

While on this subject a point must be made which, unfortunately, is often overlooked. It is that the so-called "Final Solution", which Hitler wished to bring about, can take various forms. It can take the form of an overt attempt at physical extermination, or it can be an insidious process which is no less destructive and perhaps even more so, namely, through assimilation and intermarriage, a process which began in Germany long before Hitler, when Jews tried to hide their Jewish identity and conduct their daily life like their German neighbors and associates, etc. This process, most unfortunately, is very much in evidence all around us. Whatever explanation may be given, the effect is the same. Hitler, too, had a "philosophy" that "justified" his actions.

It is too painful of a subject to dwell on here, but the conclusion is obvious. Each and every one of us who is aware of the situation must do everything possible to counteract the tide of assimilation by positive and dedicated action, to strengthen the eternal Jewish values and Torah-true institutions in his community and environment.

With blessing,

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Riddle of the Missing Year

I share a story I heard this Shabbos.

Three years ago, my friend (who created a calendar program for Jewish family purity) was in Pennsylvania the night before a special event was to take place in front of "770" in Brooklyn, NY. Once every 28 years, Jews gather there on the boulevard in the thousands to make the "Blessing on the Sun" en masse.

He was bothered by a question; Why, if the sun returns to the very position it first started orbiting in the world, from that very first Wednesday when God created it, why then was the year in which it was now about to be blessed, 5769, not a perfect multiple of 28; Why did the division of 5769 by 28 leave a remainder?

Everyone he asked that night in Pennsylvania could not answer his question. He drove to NY very early the next morning. The very first person he asked in Brooklyn gave him the answer.

The answer is in Rashi, in the Torah portion of Noah (8:14). The punishment meted out to Noah's generation, the Great Flood, occupied a full solar year! During this entire time, astronomic movement had ceased; All orbits remained frozen in time. Which is why, after the flood, God promises that the cycle of "... day and night will never again be breached." (8:22)

There you have it; One year did not count! 5769 - 1 = 5768, a number which does get factored evenly by 28.

From the day of its inception, back to its position where it was first created, was about to occur that morning my friend made it in time to Brooklyn, for exactly the 206th time.

But this story, however, raises a question, a new riddle:

The story of Joshua stopping the celestial orbits countered what God said to Noach (Gen. 8:22, cited above), that He will no more breach the cycle of day and night, as he had done during the Great Flood. How then (or when) were the hours that held back the normal cycle, for the sake of Joshua at Givon, compensated for with an acceleration of time, to return the cycle to its normal periodicity? Anyone?
UPDATE: In the war with Amalek, in the year 2448, Moses stopped the sun (Rashi - Ex. 17:12). Joshua, in the war against the 5 Emorite armies, circa 2488, stopped the sun (Joshua 10:12) too. So where do we see where the sun was accelerated (to compensate for the loss of travel time in the above two instances)? This we see happened when the sun accelerated to set for Jacob when he went to pray at Mount Sinai (Gen. 28:11). Rashi says, "the sun suddenly set for Jacob, to persuade him to sleep at the spot", and as the Ba'al Haturim there also says, "The sun set before its normal time." (Second riddle resolved!)

I now simply have trouble understanding exactly what God means by "... day and night will never again be breached".

Friday, June 15, 2012

Iran's Plot will Backfire

This Rabbi (Rebbe of Mishkoltz) presents an interesting proposition why not to attack Iran. He contends unity among Jews, a spiritual dynamic, will perforce lead to a physical consequence - the elimination of the current Haman. The Persian terrorist, like his predecessor, succeeds in uniting Jews because of the evil he wants to perpetrate, and the result will therefore backfire. I enjoy the confidence this Rav projects in God and in Jewry.

But because he made no mention of the explicit law in Shulchan Aruch, Hilchot Shabbat (329), regarding foreigners at the borders who threaten an invasion, in which case the law dictates to rise early and beat the enemy at his game, an obvious issue that must be taken into account, his position is unsettling if not unclear.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Magic River

Imagine, for a moment, a surging river, loaded with lumber, building materials and hardware, also gushing into its many tributaries - and wherever along the water banks a house needs fixing, renovation or replacement, the waters dam up nearby, flood the homestead, bubble with activity, then, when the commotion dies away and the waters resume their normal flow, the homestead is, miraculously, left looking new. Imagine too, this river mends fences, does gardening and removes garbage along the banks wherever necessary.

Imagine all the free time people gain from all this work the river does without their slightest concern, effort, or even intervention - in fact, even without their knowledge. Moreover, imagine these magical powers spontaneously developed, without a learning process; The system relied on its own initiatives, its own perceptions and assessments, on its own skills, and on its own takes care of supplies, tools, performance - based on its own high standards. And to really be sure people enjoy this service, it's offered free of charge!

Other systems interact with this waterway network. An extensive port facility stands ready to unload all waste matter from the water and to load it with essential supplies. If canisters in the water, which carry materials, erode or need replacement, another system throws newly fabricated canisters into the water where necessary. In case an assault on one or more homesteads is discovered, a team of swimmers emerge from the water to fight off the offending agents, sometimes even at the cost of self-sacrifice. These police swimmers constitute an entire brigade force, with plenty more ready to replace them or even to join the fight to better the odds of victory. A supermarket chain also has its swimmers suited to deliver food to the homesteaders.

Imagine all the peace of mind people gain living next to such a river. Can so magnificent a river, with its adjunct systems, exist? Can so many wonderful advantages accrue to people nearby?

You might think such a marvel of existence is too phenomenal even to dream of. Even were you to let your imagination run wild, you'd be hard-pressed to think of any new way to improve upon its splendid features.

Nevertheless, such a river exists in nature! In fact, unbelievably, it offers many more advantages than has here been described.

In fact, there is not one, but virtually very many billions of such rivers in nature. And, as stated, the magical features mentioned above are understated because these miraculous rivers offer so much more benefits for the homesteads.

And how many such homesteads enjoy these amazing benefits? No less than trillions of trillions of homesteads are constantly monitored for repairs and maintenance!

The magical river exists in every human being and in every animal on the face of this globe. It is the body's circulatory system of blood; And the homestead is the cell of the body.

This magical river surges within us under exquisite control that reflects infinite planned purposefulness and organization. Many systems integrate and communicate with it. For example, the respiratory system supplies the oxygen and removes the carbon-dioxide. The heart keeps the river surging. Muscles in the arteries and arterioles direct the traffic expediently. Bone marrow furnishes new red-blood-cells to replace the dying ones. The immune system furnishes policing white-blood-cells to combat infection or disease. Hemoglobin molecules are fabricated to transport the oxygen. Etc.

This wondrous orchestration of systems keeps us alive and well every second, every day and every year, year after year. Should you not offer God a thank-you right now in gratitude? Thank you God for this wonderful world you placed us in, and may we merit to see more of your wonders soon, when the world will be elevated onto a new, much higher plane of experience - when the Era of Redemption manifests in its full glory very soon in our days, please God!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bad Israeli Leadership

Of 12 leaders of Israelites who spied the Land of Israel, 10 were severely punished for opining the might of the enemy, effectively disowning the Land of Israel. They forfeited their right to this cherished land, as did all those emotionally aligned with them. In contrast, the 2 leaders with a positive outlook merited entry into the Holy Land. These tried to convince the people to forsake their fear of those who lay claim to the land as theirs and, instead, trust in God.

Their words, spoken 3,324 years ago, provide a lesson for us to heed today. (Num. 14:8-9)

They said:

אם חפץ בנו השם
"If God favors us ..."
(and how would we know this ...)

והביא אתנו אל הארץ הזאת ונתנה לנו ארץ אשר היא זבת חלב ודבש
"... for He brought us to this land that flows with milk and honey and gave it to us"
(that's how we'd know, for He brought us to it and gave it to us - the second and final time in 5708 (1948), this beautiful land that flows with milk and honey - giving us back our Land of Israel, and keeping us victorious in all our wars against the enemy)

אך בה' אל תמרדו
"But then against God do not rebel ..."
(by ungratefully giving away parts of this Holy Land He gave to us as a gift)

ואתם אל תיראו את עם הארץ
"... and you should not fear those in the land ..."
(that claim priority rights to it, or any other "rights" to any part of it)

כי לחמנו הם סר צלם מעליהם וה' אתנו אל תיראם
"... for they are our fodder [we can conquer them], their protectiveness [rights] has lapsed, and God is with us, so fear them not!"
(That God is with us is abundantly clear; Every war was a miraculous victory for the Jewish people. [As if sitting once again upon our sovereign, ancestral land, after two millennia of dispersion, persecution, murder and hatred wherever a Jew rested his tired feet, were not enough proof.])

Why then all this preoccupation with the so-called rights of the enemy, or seeking to soothe far-flung anti-Semites who would love nothing more than Israel's annihilation? And if the Gentiles can manage it bit by bit, then that's how they'll aim to do it.

Especially now we must stand firm against chipping away more of our Holy Land, for now they threaten to raze the Ulpana settlement. Already they yielded the huge Sinai Peninsula, the oilfields, the city of Yamit, the large sector of Gush Katif and many other places. Many settlements have been destroyed. Besides that, numerous cities remain officially Judenrein. Plus they tolerate the terror of Gaza rockets raining down in the South. But the Gentile forces see that pressure works, and that political fools in Israel continue to relent. Where oh where are leaders like Joshua and Kalev? Where is Moshiach?!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bad Jewish Leaders

Poor Jews. The leaders they have often set them back from readily available gains - by decades.

We note such a setback when 12 leaders of the Jews, on their way in the desert trekking towards the Land of Israel, insisted from Moses to spy out the the land God promised to give to the Jewish people, before setting foot into it. Not only did they ignore God's word, but when they returned from the mission they sought to discourage the Jews from entering the land!

This sin was a grievous blow that forestalled entry into the Holy Land by 40 years!

The Rebbe too stated how the Era of Redemption had been impeded by decades because of the Jewish country's Zionist thrust to forge it into a secular state (see here).

Today too a similar senseless posture undermines and frustrates the Jewish people's yearning for a country of their own. Today's generation of Jews too see how the Rebbe's words of warning fall on deaf ears. Instead of turning Israel in a country for Jews and only for the sake of Jews, the consortium of leaders seeks to appease Gentile populations at the expense of Jewish rights and seeks to cede some of the Holy Land, which God gifted the Jews during the wars, and hand it back to the Gentiles who instigated the wars in the first place. All that can come from such fallacy is renewed warfare, God forbid!

You might think this awful policy comes solely from a secular mindset, but, in fact, an orthodox party, Shas, prevents this government from dissolution, so further destruction can take place, all due to worship of the false idol of money and power this party receives as bribes.

We could be celebrating the Era of Redemption NOW, by acknowledging the Rebbe as leader of the Jewish people - here and now! Instead, we must suffers the woes of misfortune because many Jews and their leaders think they know better than the Rebbe, the Moses of our generation.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Ordinary in Tampa Bay is Extraordinary

Here's a recent email from my rabbi friend, the Rebbe's emissary in Tampa Bay, FL., who takes advantage of every opportunity to take Jews back to the warm Jewish fold, especially those "kidnapped since birth" by a Gentile culture:
Recently, after we purchased our home, I went looking for tiles, since the entire floor needs to be replaced. As such, I shopped around at various stores looking for the best deal.

During this search, as usual, I always take my Tefillin with me, and as usual, I always find Jews wherever I may go, since they are everywhere!

The Tampa Bay area has approx 300.000 Jews, the vast majority have never been to a synagogue in their entire life, and are not involved in the Jewish community in any way. Therefore these random acts of Judaism are the best way to meet Jews and develop a good friendship.

The first shop I went to was "Floor & Décor" on US 19 and Sunset Point Rd. where we all went together as a family, and sure enough, one of the sales people told Raizy "I am Jewish". Going together as a Jewish family, with Raizy and the kids, is the best advertisement possible, people are immediately attracted, and everyone looks, people of all backgrounds. Because in our day and age, it is highly unusual to see an actual family, with married parents and children walking together as one. So this event serves as a great opportunity to show average Americans the beauty of Judaism.

Back to that sales person, his name is David S__, he is a very proud Jew as you can see from all his tattoos, and he got WRAPPED with Tefillin for the very first time in his life. We celebrated his "Spiritual Bar-Mitzvah" right there in the "Floor & Décor". He had many tears in his eyes as emotions took over. The amazing divine providence was that 4 days later he left for another job. So it was all BASHERT – meant to be. Later, we had David and his wife over for Shabbat dinner; One Mitzvah leads to another.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

The Redemptive Era - Phase One

The Rebbe told us Moshiach's era has dawned. But many of us detect no change from how it was years ago. So what gives?

The Rebbe told us to "open our eyes", that is, to see that, in fact, we passed the threshold from the old world into the new one. This prefatory scene, however, despite its momentous significanace, appears to have affected the world with no fundamental change. We must conclude, therefore, the process has to incrementally progress to full-fledged completion, at least from the outset. So, despite what the surface reveals, we are nevertheless in the early stages of the Redemptive Era's development.

This is what Maimonides said about the first phase of Moshiach's era;
עולם כמנהגו נוהג
The world will proceed as usual.

This means the current events unfolding before our eyes spell "The Redemptive Era". If you see Israel being surrounded by more and larger threats than before, you hear the dog barking but he doesn't bite. If you fear for Israel's future, realize Arabs may well end up devouring each other instead, just as Egyptian first-borns of yesteryear murdered fellow Egyptians and freed the Jewish nation. If Jews seem threatened for being Jewish around the world, notice also how a protective glass shields them. If Israel seems inundated with foreigners and Gentiles, notice too the Jewish population remains strong and safe, and leave future concerns for God to handle. If some Jews suffer poverty, notice it is merely relative to an imagined wealth that isn't necessary. If you find many Jews remain far beyond the call of Torah duty, notice too a great wave of new oncomers has joined the Torah fold, against all odds - if judging by the strict code they are yielding to. And if most of Israelis remain as yet unorthodox, see nevertheless how the majority now believe in God and in Torah's holiness, despite the incessant bias from the media and government policies, and therefore have but a thin line that separates them from true Torah convictions.

Appearances remain nothing more than appearances. Jewish faith can change appearances and effectively cancel the apparent threats. The Jewish thought process has powerful ramifications; It can now actually nullify threats from transpiring. This is now how the redemption unfolds before our eyes - it looks like it will be bad, but it is, in fact, the concealed way of actually being fantastic.

"Opening your eyes" includes UNDERSTANDING that it is up to you to change the world with YOUR THOUGHTS because YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORLD. A Gentile cannot. Jews are God's representative people. Jews therefore have the inherent power to change the world faster by GOOD THOUGHTS and GOOD DEEDS. This is the power intrinsic in contemporary Jewry.

Hail the Rebbe King Moshiach who has left us with this legacy of power to bring on the Redemption. Will it and it will come to be - via you! Think good - and it therefore will be good!

Who else can change it? Gentiles? Like those who mouth rap "music" with angry, stupid rhyming? Who can change it, a culture where youngsters walk around with their pants below their waists, exposing their underwear? Can you expect a people that allow abortive killing in the millions to bring goodness to the world? Can a society of loose morals bring about this sublime change? This Gentile generation and its decadent culture is quickly dying, taking America down to a decrepit state. Once God was its central platform, as in "In God we trust" or as in "endowed by the Creator", but that has been gradually chiseled away since the country's inception.

Look at pictures of city dwellers or even Hollywood films of a few decades ago. You immediately detect the change in modesty and nobility. Like Germany of 60 years ago, Americans profess to be on the right track but you can see brutish character wherever you turn; Any polish is only skin deep. The sanctity of family, once the lynchpin of a healthy society, has withered into perverse "relationships" - like "same-sex marriage". The medical institution has become a legitimatized industry of drug-pushers. Racial tensions are rising. Anti-Semitism again simmers. The dollar has been purposely brought to ruin. Fascists have taken control of the White House.

The god worshipped as "Democracy" is dead.

Only the orthodox Jew has the power to think good to make things better. Only the orthodox Jew can enable the Gentile to regain some of his power by teaching him to conform with the 7 Noahide laws as sanctioned by Moses. If he conforms, this remains his only avenue of hope - to align with Jewish interests. America is tailspinning irreversibly into an abyss of misery! Only God's overt lifeline can now be summoned by the Gentile for direct help! Woe to the blind who seek salvation from false gods and plodding the dogma of spurious faiths.

(I say the "orthodox" Jew because only orthodoxy is valid. The likes of "conservative" or "reform" or "reconstructive" or other "plastic surgical" types of reformists have no steel anchor embedded in Torah; All they have is some malleable romanticism with but no committment or proper respect for Torah's dictates or its origin. Reformist Jews more likely act against the better interests of society by seeking to appease or conform with the decadent Gentile element. Reformist Jews are Jewish quacks!

They fear being genuine Jews. They fear to pray as Jews prayed for millennia, as dictated by our sages. They lack faith in God - in His eternal providence. They seek to be "modern", as if contemporary lifestyle holds an advantage over that of previous era, as if our sages had no idea of what the future held. So they improvise their own nonsense and rules of conduct, like forbidding the wearing of kipahs in their "temple", or to have mixed seating, or creating lady rabbis, or calling up couples to the Torah reading, or to replace cantors with tape recorders. They desecrate the Sabbath and desecrate holy tradition. They fear to offend the Gentile, thinking - wrongly - the Gentile prefers a "modern", assimilated Jew over an "ultra" orthodox Jew whose ways could only stultify them with ancient customs. In other words, these reformists are birds of the same feather, no matter to what extent they deviate, because any deviation leads to appalling results - like, for example, the "conservative rabbis'" recent consensus in support of "same-sex marriage" - an outright abomination! These quacks all lack pride in authentic God-given Judaism, or, simply no nothing at all about it.)

The orthodox Jew is the cog of society's wheel. Whereas before the Redemptive Era that fact hadn't been obvious, but now, if we "open our eyes", we can readily sense the divine providence that follows this Jew's every breath, thought and step.
