How does this happen? How did the bulk of the world manage to advance and prosper so much economically?
It's because - everything that happens in the world-at-large reflects, as a mirror image, that which is happening to Jews!
In recent decades we've witnessed a significant improvement in life conditions for the Jewish people. Following thousands of years of persecution, famine and forced migrations, Jews today enjoy materialisic prosperity as had never been experienced since the days of King Solomon. Prosperity encompasses almost all Jews all over the world.
For those relatively few Jews who do have difficulty - real support comes from many charitable organizations. Kindness abounds everywhere for them. Every Jew with minimal motivation can achieve economic sustenance - to an extent that for previous generations would have been but a dream.
It's hard to ignore the fact that this sharp upswing in Jewish economic state of affairs developed in parallel with, and since the time the Lubavitcher Rebbe assumed his role as leader of the current generation 60 years ago. The Rebbe himself referred to this advance and explained wherefrom it derives, quoting the Rambam: "We stand at the threshold to the Era of Redemption, of which it says, 'Goodness will be extremely abundant, and all luxury shall be as plentiful as dust.'"
Some of this future's plentiful benevolence, which is just around the corner, has already broken through the barrier that stands between the Diasporic Era and the Redemption Era. This barrier is becoming porous. Already today we can start to taste some of what the future utopia entails.
We are entering a period in which material abundance and high spirituality will coexist. In previous generations, a poor economic situation or meager subsistence was the price to pay to achieve a personal, spiritual surge. Today, in contrast, not only does opulence not hinder but, in fact, contributes to further elevating one's spirituality.
Maimonides depicts that future and how it will benefit the people of Israel: "It will allow Jews to pursue Torah-study fervently, without harassement or hindrance, without any pressure, economic or otherwise." As God ushers in this era, He grants us a foretaste of the solace of simultaneous physical relief and spiritual ascent.
Heard from my Chabad friends in the Krayot.